All crops grown at Worden Farm are USDA Certified Organic, and certified by Quality Certification Services (QCS), an independent, USDA-authorized certification agency. The farm is managed with a variety of sustainable methods for conserving and enhancing natural and human ecosystems. Worden Farm founders, Chris Worden, Ph.D. and Eva Worden, Ph.D., are recognized widely for their innovative organic farming techniques.
Worden Farm has partnered with the USDA and the Southwest Florida Water Management District (SWFWMD) on micro-irrigation and other water conservation projects for improving environmental quality. Thousands of trees have been planted at Worden Farm for soil and water conservation, windbreaks, and wildlife habitat.
Cover crops and an organic soil fertility program are utilized to build and conserve healthy soil. Several renewable energy projects have been completed, including the conversion of an Allis Chalmers "G" cultivating tractor from a gasoline engine to an electric motor. Fourteen acres of pine flatwoods adjoining the farm were acquired in 2010, expanding Worden Farm's land conservation and environmental stewardship.
Crops at Worden Farm are grown organically with attention to both environmental health and human health. The farm maintains a food safety program of Good Agricultural Practices (GAPs), following recommended guidelines from University of Florida, Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (UF/IFAS) and Cornell University, Department of Food Science National GAPs Program. In addition, members of the Worden Farm staff have obtained Certified Food Safety Manager status with the National Registry of Food Safety Professionals.
Located in an area of cattle ranches, orange groves, and pinelands, the farm neighbors the 79,000-acre Babcock/Webb wildlife management area, and is 1 mile from Shell Creek, a tributary of the Peace River. The abundant sunshine, mild climate, and pure environment contribute to a bountiful, healthful harvest.